During the centuries the community of Radom was created by representatives of various nationalities and religions. While discovering Radom of many cultures, you must not miss:
Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession
The 18th-century building is located at 7 Reja Street. While visiting the church, pay attention to the sculpture of the Christ Arisen, which was moved from the tomb of the Karsches, who were great Radom industrialists and were buried in the Lutheran cemetery at Kielecka Street.

Radom kuczki hidden in the tenement backyards at 66 Żeromskiego and 21 Moniuszki Streets. These are wooden summer porches located at the level of balconies, which were connected with the celebration of Jewish Sukkot holiday, during which orthodox Jews had to live outside their homes in the sukkot or tent.

A. Mentlik
Inside the backyard, on the eastern elevation of the tenement house at 1 Wałowa Street, there is a Yiddish advertising board of a hotel and a kosher restaurant of Abram Mentlik. The sign was painted directly on the wall. The sign advertising the restaurant and hotel was created in the interwar period. In English it means “Merchant Hotel/A. Mentlik/ (graphical presentation of a palm with a finger directed upward, i.e. the topographic sign of “maniculum”) Floor 1”. Below the Polish phrase, there is the same content in Yiddish written with Hebrew alphabet letters. It is well-known that Abram Mentlik operated his merchant hotel and restaurant already in 1932. Jews lived in that area already in the 18th century and the ghetto located there covered the site of the Jewish district.